How do I make WordPress menu pages have target=_blank

November 9, 2012

WordPress menus are pretty bland out of the box.  At first glance, links can go to:

  1. Categories
  2. Pages
  3. Custom links

Also, at first glance, a menu link has three elements:

  1. URL
  2. Navigation label (The text displayed in the anchor)
  3. Title attribute
However, the built in functionality also adds the ability to set four other options:
  1. Link target
  2. CSS Classes
  3. Link Relationship (XFN)
  4. Description
To set the link target, in the WordPress menu editor (/wp-admin/nav-menus.php), click screen options in the top right and check the link target checkbox.  The option to open a link in a new window/tab will now  appear in each link’s options.

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